Due to the collapse of the health system, we, the health professionals, have prepared this message for the people, in case you do not want to risk going to the hospital immediately;

Symptoms appear from the third day after infection (viral symptoms).

1st phase;

It is very important to count the days of symptoms: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Take action before the onset of fever. Be careful, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids, especially purified water. Drink plenty of water to keep your throat moist and to help clear your lungs.

2nd phase; (from 4th to 8th day) inflammatory

The virus attacks nerve endings;

 The difference between fatigue and shortness of breath:

Lack of air is when the person is sitting – without making any effort – and is out of breath;

Fatigue is when the person moves around to do something simple and feels tired.

It takes a lot of hydration and vitamin C. Covid-19 binds oxygen, so the quality of the blood is poor, with less oxygen.

3rd phase – healing;

It is better to keep these recommendations; prevention is never too much!

  • Sit in the sun for 15-20 minutes
  • Rest and sleep for at least 7-8 hours.
  • Drink 1 and a half liters of water per day
  • All food should be hot (not cold).

Keep in mind that the pH of the Coronavirus ranges from 5.5 to 8.5.

So all we have to do to eliminate the virus is to eat more alkaline foods, above the acid level of the virus. As;

  • Bananas, Lime →9 pH
  • Yellow Lemon →2 pH
  • Avocado – pH 15.6
  • Garlic – pH 13.2
  • Mango – pH 8.7
  • Mandarin – pH 8.5
  • Pineapple – 12.7 pH
  • Watercress – 22.7 pH
  • Oranges – 9.2 pH

How do you know you have Covid-19?

  • Itchy Throat
  • Dry Throat
  • Dry Cough
  • High Temperature
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Loss of Smell and Taste

DO NOT keep this information just for yourself, give it to all your family and friends.

Y O U   C A R E

Important Message for all

The hot water you drink is good for your throat. But this coronavirus is hidden behind the paranasal sinus of your nose for 3 to 4 days. The hot water we drink does not reach there. After 4 to 5 days this virus that was hidden behind the paranasal sinus reaches your lungs. Then you have trouble breathing.

That’s why it is very important to take steam, which reaches the back of your paranasal sinus. You have to kill this virus in the nose with steam.


At 50°C, this virus becomes disabled i.e. paralyzed. At 60°C this virus becomes so weak that any human immune system can fight against it. At 70°C this virus dies completely.


This is what steam does. The entire public health department knows this. But everyone wants to take advantage of this pandemic. So they don’t share this information openly. One who stays at home should take steam once a day. If you go to the market to buy vegetables, take it twice a day.


Anyone who meets some people or goes to the office should take steam 3 times a day.

Forward this to all your loved ones.


Steam Week

According to doctors, COVID-19 can be killed by inhaling steam from the nose and mouth, eliminating the Coronavirus. 

If WE all start a Steam Drive Campaign for a week, the Pandemic will soon END.


So here is a suggestion:

* Start the process for a week morning and evening, for just 5 minutes each time, to inhale the steam.  If all adopt this practice for a week the deadly Covid-19 will be erased.


This practice has no side effects either.

So please send this message to all your relatives, friends, and neighbors, so that we all can kill this coronavirus together and live and walk freely in this beautiful world.

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